Where to get coupons…
- You can buy coupons on eBay or from a coupon clipping service. First let me explain, you aren’t actually buying the coupons, but you are paying a service for them to clip, sort and send you the coupons. They don’t ever cost as much as face value, usually just a small fee is attached to each coupon. If you look on eBay, just do a search for the product you are looking for and you’ll get (possibly a big) list of what’s for sale. Most people will combine shipping so you don’t pay a lot for more than one purchase. You can also do a Google search for ‘coupon clipping services’.
- Trade with other people through message boards. The one I use the most is Hot Coupon World. You can also do a search on Google for ‘money saving forums’ and you’ll find more. Besides trading coupons, these forums are a wealth of information for saving money and using coupons.
- Write, email or call the manufacturer and ask to be put on a mailing list for coupons. While you are contacting them, it’s always nice to let them know how much you enjoy their products. I’m sure they get a lot of complaint and very few complements. Some will even send you a coupon for a free item. Those are always nice. Make a list of who you contact so you know who sends you something and who doesn’t. You can probably contact them again after a year for more coupons.
- Search on Google for printable coupons. When I find good one’s I will post them on this group so you can always check to see what I have found.
- Send for as many free samples as you can because almost always they send a coupon too. I will post here also when I find some so check Free Samples to see what I’ve found.
- Buy more than one newspaper and/or ask your friends, family and co-workers for their coupons. Keep the coupon sections on hand until they all expire, even if you don’t cut them all out because there might be a good sale down the road for something you don’t normally buy or you wanted to try, or that you can get free or even make money on. You never know when you might need a coupon.
- Look in the stores while you shop. You can often find coupons right in front of the product or display that you can use then or save for later. If you take more than one, remember to leave some for other people. You can always get more the next time you go shopping.